選了一個好天氣來到民生社區外拍... 真的是非常熱的一天!拍到快中暑了,不過效果很好;這次的t-shirt設計主題是關於台灣的特有種鳥類,我們看中了民生社區的大樹和寧靜的住宅景象,很適合這次的t-shirt主題拍攝,希望可以襯托出t-shirt的舒適與生活氛圍。
It is a good(...and hot, of course) weather today, thus we decided to go outdoor to take pictures for the new/upcoming t-shirt. In this time, the design theme is about the native Taiwan birds, and the material of the t-shirt is 100% organic cotton, with water-based silk printing patterns.
We went to the 民生 park in Taipei, where grows lots of beautiful trees, to search an ideal background that could set off the t-shirt looked more comfortable and easier to wear in daily life.
ease the body...
Trying to catch the natural looks.
After working, we went to the famous movie scene ''Daughter's Cafe 朵兒咖啡'' to take a break. Nice place!